
Malangporyim -- From 泰国 I can't speak Chinese, but feel free to comment in your language. English is fine.

Let's wash our eyes, having Ye Xiu eat up this weird hairstyle. *nomnomnom* (maybe the weirder one is me...

Thanks for so many fanworks here healing my broken heart from that leaked anime design on these past few days. Lanhe fans are so darling. 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

(Anyway, I'm MPY from 泰国. Normally, I didn't use my Lofter to post my arts. This is my first time posting Lofter. Please tell me if I do anything wrong or inappropriate, so I could fix it immediately. Though I can't speak Chinese, please feel free to comment in your language. Thank you♥)


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