
Malangporyim -- From 泰国 I can't speak Chinese, but feel free to comment in your language. English is fine.

※ Old work ※

On the recently passed Valentine's Day, we Thai Lanhe-fans had created a hashtag #ValentineswithLanhe2017 to celebrate this year's Valentine's Day with Lanhe fan-arts and fan-fictions on Thai social network.

This one is my 车蓝 submission. *shy* (。 >艸<)

(I feel really sorry for other CP fans, I haven't warned you before that I produce many random CPs of Lanhe. Please feel free to unfollow or mute me if I make any discomfort on your Lofter feed. I can understand your feeling. There won't be any problem at all. (・ω・)ง! )


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